Friday, May 27, 2005

Irreverent weekend morcels

-Recession is a state of mind

Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi disputed Europe's fourth-biggest economy
was in recession, saying Italy was ``full of prosperity and joy,'' citing the
high number of mobile phone users as evidence of the nation's affluence.
``We have a very high percentage of mobile phones and are playboys and send
our girlfriends 10 text messages a day,'' said Berlusconi during a joint news
conference with U.K. Prime Minister Tony Blair. ``Italy is the most beautiful
country in the world and among the richest in the world.''

Read the orginal here.

- "Vision loss is linked to Viagra"

It turns out old men in the 21st century are being told the same thing that young men in the 19th century were constantly reminded of. Queen Victoria must be pleased.

- "Judges Still Reading Khodorkovsky Verdict"

I sure the disgraced former oil tycoon is no saint. But how can a court take 10 days and counting to read a verdict? I'd wager that Saint Peter didn't take that long to read Hitler's verdict.